Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prophetic Resources - Books & Teachings

When reading or studying or listening to anything on the prophetic, you have to prepare yourself for the fact that there is a lot of apparently contradictory information out there.

One example is that Graham Cooke, a well-known and respected teacher states emphatically that all (New Testament) prophecy is to confirm.  While Kris Vallotton who is just as well-known and respected states the exact opposite that to assume that all NT prophecy is confirmation is totally wrong.  Who's right? I could give you my opinion, but the point is that in many ways...they're both right.

But how is that possible? Ask Holy Spirit! :) The spirit of religion tries to make non-essential truths something that you have to die for, either you're right or your wrong, if you're wrong, you're deceived and evil. That is not the Holy Spirit.  Hearing God's voice and acting on it is not a science, nor is it law, rather it is an multi-dimensional relationship with Someone who is Infinite, which varies at least slightly from person to person.  So what is ALWAYS the case with one person might not be with the next. Or the truth (or the TRUTH - because it is a Person! John 14:6), might just be bigger than our rules and principles!

To that end, I'm going to be listing books and audio/video teachings here from time to time as good resources to turn to as you grow in hearing God's voice. And I do not intend for you to agree with all that is in these books or teachings (I certainly don't), but recognize that you're wise enough (He who is Wisdom is in you if you have Jesus!) to be able to with Holy Spirit discern the Truth (1 John 2:20-27).

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