Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Good Night! Thursday at the Turley's

It was a good group at our place last night.  It seemed that God was leading us in a few areas...
  • to be stretched and step outside our comfort zone and dare to not get it right
  • to, as a result, risk not getting it right
  • to risk being honest and saying what hit and what didn't
Brandy led us in a neat activity, where she had a bag of various objects and each of us grabbed one and then used it to give a word to someone else and then used it to get a word for ourselves.  It was great! Oh, and we watched the Kris Valloton video (that is now posted on the Videos page),which had some really great thought-provoking points in it. (If there is something that you don't understand, try listening to the other video by Kris, "Prophecy 101" which is taken from the same talk.)

And just a little reminder that Thursday we're meeting again at the Turley's.
4359 Walnut Creek Dr NW, Kennesaw, GA 30152 
See you there! 

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