"Bring a Friend" night at the Russ' was a roaring success...in that it turned out that we were all friends and everyone who came already had already experienced a Prophetic Activation with us! ;) Oh, well...but as we were going there last night and I was wondering if any of our regulars would show or if we'd be overwhelmed (or underwhelmed) by friends wanting prophecy, He just whispered, its' going to be good and everyone who's supposed to be there will be. We only had about 10 of us, and that was good! Because we've found that the smaller the number the more people participate and the more people are willing to risk. It felt really safe and the number of really accurate powerful words was amazing! God was targeting the lies that we believe about Him, that we've just learned in life, and releasing the Truth of who HE is over them. It was powerful.
I have a skin condition in my face where when I'm stressed my cheeks become red and scaly and because of stress at work, they've been really bad. I received three or four words from people who knew nothing of this that so penetrated my heart that when I got home and looked in the mirror I was shocked that my face looked normal (which it never goes away that fast!!!). But then I realized that I was so at peace and fully of joy, that it wasn't a wonder! God is good!
Good Resource
By the way, I woke up to the
ElijahList sitting in my email mailbox as usual and this word from Mahesh Chavda seemed like a really good resource on hearing God.
Mahesh Chavda: "Is That You, God?"
By the way, its Mahesh, who hears crazily accurate words of knowledge that gets people healed of all kinds of things, who said, "The further I go with God the quieter He speaks."
ElijahList also offers a great prophetic music web radio station -
ElijahStreams (just click the link to check it out!)
Next Week
So...next week Tuesday at the Suzanne Roberts & Thursday at the Russ' will be normal Prophetic Activation Nights, but we are looking for ideas to push us (if slightly) out of our comfort zone!
See the sidebar for addresses, maplinks, and times.